Is the air film stadium safe

The air film gymnasium is a kind of green and environmental protection gymnasium, which uses the membrane material and air as the building material to the greatest extent, and uses the air pressure and air circulation technology to create a closed and comfortable space building form.

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The air film gymnasium is a kind of green and environmental protection gymnasium, which uses the membrane material and air as the building material to the greatest extent, and uses the air pressure and air circulation technology to create a closed and comfortable space building form. Many people will worry about the safety of the air film gymnasium. Next, I will show you the safety of the air film gymnasium from the following aspects.

1.  The air film building of building structure is a new type of building structure supported by the difference of internal and external air pressure. In the safe range, the greater the air pressure in the air film internal space, the higher the ability of resisting wind load and snow load, so the less the possibility of deformation of the air film building is, the safer it is.

2.  The membrane materials of membrane building are generally divided into PVC, PTFE and ETFE. The membrane materials are flame-retardant, corrosion-resistant and high-temperature resistant, which are very safe and environmentally friendly.

3.  The entrance and exit of the air film building can meet the needs of people and vehicles. All entrances and exits adopt module design, and strictly follow North American specifications, firm and safe.

4.  The standby entrance of the air film building can be equipped with revolving door, emergency door (fire exit and entrance), double door and air lock channel. When an emergency occurs, you can go out by internal extrapolation, and quickly withdraw from the building to ensure the safety of personnel. So we can rest assured of the safety of the gas film.

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Is the air film stadium safe

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