How safe is the air film building

Different safety problems may occur in air film buildings under daily conditions.

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Different safety problems may occur in air film buildings under daily conditions. Whether the air membrane building can resist the oppression of external forces and wind and snow is the most concerned and wanted to know about the construction of air membrane buildings at this stage.

1. if the air film is pierced with a hole, the air pressure inside the air film will change, the control system will alarm, the management personnel will evacuate the personnel in the building in time, and repair the damaged place. Generally, the air film can be repaired within 30 minutes to an hour, and the air film will not collapse.

2. the safety of air film building should be considered from the early design: reasonable planning and design, strict material selection, strict construction and operation protection.

3. reasonable planning: according to the construction standards, such as load, earthquake resistance, fire protection, lightning protection, etc; The foundation shall be rectangular, square and national; Plan equipment size, data scale, ventilation volume, etc. accurately according to the size of the site. Strict material selection: membrane materials (membrane materials with strong durability, antifouling and fire resistance); Intelligent control system; Steel cable system; Door entry system; Mechanical equipment system. Operation protection: after the completion of construction and commissioning of gas film, it will enter the operation stage. Equipment protection is the key point in the process of membrane material starting operation supported by internal air pressure; The normal operation of the equipment requires that the intelligent control system, air supply system and emergency power supply equipment are in normal conditions, so as to facilitate the normal operation in case of emergency; Since the construction of air film can be used for 20 years, or even longer, other equipment, such as door entry system, steel cable system, anchoring system, lighting system, etc., should be paid attention to during normal operation.







How safe is the air film building

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