How much is it to build an air film coal shed and how long can it last?

Gas film building is a semi permanent building, but its actual service life is more than 20-30 years. How many years can gas film be used in heavily polluted areas of the coal industry?

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Gas film building is a semi permanent building, but its actual service life is more than 20-30 years. How many years can gas film be used in heavily polluted areas of the coal industry?

The design life of air film buildings refers to the expected building life of architectural designers during design. When designing the structure of air film buildings, the load statistical values with a basic cycle of 50 years are usually used for design and type finding, and the benchmark is the standard for permanent buildings. However, the actual service life of air film buildings is influenced by various factors, such as building materials, environmental factors, and usage conditions.

Therefore, the specific cost and service life of constructing an air film coal shed should be evaluated and confirmed based on the actual situation.

The price of the basic building of the gas film coal shed is also determined by the construction area of the coal shed. The Shanghai Zhanji design team will design the basic building drawings based on the needs of the enterprise for the gas film coal shed. The prices of air film, diagonal mesh steel cable structure, and building doors are relatively uniform, which has little impact on the overall price of air film coal sheds. The price of air film projects will be calculated based on the building area of the air film coal shed by one square meter. Generally, the larger the construction area, the lower the price of enclosed gas film coal shed buildings. So the larger the number of square meters, the lower the total construction cost. A complete air film coal shed building, regardless of its square meter size, consists of a set of equipment and building doors. Therefore, the equipment needs to be set according to the customer's needs. It is also a part of the price impact.

Airfilm buildings can be used for over 30 years, and their service life can be effectively extended through standardized construction, regular inspection and maintenance, and reasonable use. Looking forward to your attention and discussing with Shanghai Zhanji Environment Co., Ltd.







How much is it to build an air film coal shed and how long can it last?

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